About the Maine Coon

Breed description, character, informative articles

О породе Мейн-кун
Country of origin: USA
Time of birth of the breed: The end of the 19th century
Type: Long-haired breed
Weight Cats: 4.5-7 kg, Males: 7-13 kg
Height: at the withers 25-45 cm, length from nose to tip of tail can reach 135 cm
Lifespan: 12-15 years

Origin story
Some “experts” claim that the ancestors of the breed appeared as a result of crossing a domestic cat and
a raccoon, hence the long bushy tail and characteristic color. Others believe that the lynx was involved - hence
the tufts on the ears, however, both versions have not been scientifically confirmed by experts. The official version
is simple: Maine Coons appeared as a result of natural evolution, and the distinctive features of the breed,
for example, their impressive size and thick, long hair,
are a natural necessity for survival in the harsh
northern winters.

Description of the breed

The Maine Coon is significantly different from other felines due to its gigantic size. He has a massive, fluffy head with high cheekbones and very long whiskers, and his wide ears are topped with tufts like a lynx. Despite their well-developed muscles, cats are very graceful; their paws are long with shaggy felt boots. The tail is elongated and very fluffy. Maine Coons are distinguished by increased shaggyness, the hair is long, thick and silky. As for colors, they are very diverse: plain, spotted, variegated, brindle and smoky. The only prohibition in the breed standard is for chocolate, lavender and Himalayan colors: animals with such colors are not bred and do not participate in exhibitions.

A special feature of the breed is its unusual melodic voice. The Maine Coon will not meow heart-rendingly throughout the entire apartment when he is hungry, but will purr his request directly to the owner. Initially, Maine Coons lived on farms, where they hunted rodents and guarded the crops. In 1885, at a country fair in Maine, the giant cats were a huge success, and soon spread throughout America, exhibited at exhibitions in Boston and New York, and later became popular throughout the world.


Despite their stern appearance, Maine Coons are very sociable and affectionate animals. They are very attached to their owners, at the same time they are completely unobtrusive and calmly tolerate loneliness. Cats get along well with children, taking part in their active games and not showing aggression if they fiddle with them or pull their tail.

Cats get along well with other pets, with the exception of small birds and rodents. Their hunting instinct is highly developed, so the Maine Coon will gladly put its clawed paw into the aquarium for a fish or try to get a hamster out of its cage. Like all cats, Maine Coons love active games, especially if you need to hunt or chase someone, so make sure that your pet is not bored.

It is ideal to get a Maine Coon if you live in a private house, in the yard of which the cat can walk and hunt. But if you live in an apartment, walk your pet on a leash more often. Also, do not forget to close the window, because cats are very curious and can fall out of a height if they look at a pigeon on the ledge.

Links to laboratories
#felinology #veterinary medicine #breeding
Veterinary Genetics Laboratory - veterinary genetics laboratory, California, USA
CatGENES.org - DNA tests, USA
https://vgl.ucdavis.edu/tests? field_species_target_id=216
Animal DNA Laboratory - genetic laboratory for animals, Australia
VEtoGene - veterinary laboratory for animals, Italy, DNA tests
Fa. LKW Plus - veterinary laboratory, Germany
BioFocus – genetic laboratory, Germany
Center for Molecular Diagnostics – veterinary laboratory, Russia, Moscow
Zoogen – veterinary laboratory, Russia, St. Petersburg
Chance-Bio - independent veterinary laboratory, Russia, Moscow
Vettest – veterinary laboratory service, Moscow, Russia
Globalvet – veterinary diagnostics, Moscow, Russia
GlobalVet – Canadian veterinary laboratory (branch), Moscow, Russia
"Pasteur" - veterinary laboratory, Moscow, Russia
https://vet-paster.ru/ component/option,com_ frontpage/Itemid,1/
PINNY – Postgenomic and Nanotechnological Innovation Company, Moscow, Russia
http://www.alvediavet.com/ - tests
Fractal Bio, St. Petersburg
LangfordVet https://www.langfordvets.co. uk/ England


CatPedigrees.com is a collection of searchable databases so that interested hobbyists can thoroughly research the pedigrees of cats in their breeding programs.

Pedigree database of Siberian cats (created by Siberian breeders) - suggested by Tatyana Lapushkina
http://tree.sibcat.info/?act= cat

International database of cat pedigrees.
- pedigree databases and articles on breeding, genetic health and breed history.