
from the Maine Coon

cattery Ekellin*FI

At our cattery, you can purchase a Maine Coon kitten for breeding, breeding purposes, and exhibitions, as well as for a loving home companion

Dear future owner, thank you for your attention and interest in my Maine Coons!

In this post I want to guide you through the process of buying a kitten in my cattery. While my kittens may come with a higher price tag, it reflects the dedication and lots of love invested in them. Each of them is individual and its price depends on many factors, including the purpose of buying a kitten: breeding (for breeders) and pets (my priority), then breed type, color and gender.

Step 1 - All cat sales are conducted exclusively through a written contract and a preliminary questionnaire designed for future owners.

After completing the form and reviewing the contract terms, along with detailed information about the kitten and its parents, if both parties are satisfied, we proceed to sign a written contract. You can find the form on my cattery's website.

Step 2 - After signing the contract, a deposit of 30% of the total cost is required to secure your chosen kitten. This payment is confirmed through the specified bank details in the contract, and once the payment has been received, the chosen kitten is reserved for you. The remaining balance is settled when the kitten moves into your home.

Step 3 - Before the kitten leaves for its new home, I'll provide you with periodic updates through videos and photos showcasing the kitten's growth and development. I will also inform you about the date of the visit to the veterinarian and the results.

Step 4 - When a kitten moves to its new family, it will come with a veterinary certificate, a vaccination card with a chip number, feeding instructions, and a copy of the pedigree documentation. The original pedigree will be sent by mail after castration of the cat. I'll also provide all necessary information for obtaining insurance for the kitten, and upon request, a document for transfer to another feline system, such as FIFE (Suomen Kissanliito).

My consulting services are available to you 24/7. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out at any time.

On this page, you will find detailed information about available litters, as well as adult cats and tomcats for sale. We provide full details about the parents, their colors, characteristics, and achievements so you can choose the perfect furry friend. Here you can familiarize yourself with photos and descriptions of each kitten, learn about their features and unique traits. Our goal is to help you find not just a pet, but a full-fledged family member who will bring joy and warmth to your home.
The union of Ascent Veres and Ekellin*FI Isabel is the true embodiment of the nobility and elegance of the Maine Coon breed. From this magnificent pairing, on December 15, 2024, five beautiful kittens were born: three charming boys and two delightful girls.
Each of the kittens inherited the best traits from their parents: noble appearance, strong health, and a calm, friendly nature. They will not only be a decoration to any family but also loyal, affectionate friends, ready to bring joy every day.
These kittens are the future of the breed, a perfect combination of elegance, intelligence, and the natural charm of Maine Coon!
Настоящий аристократ среди котов Maine Coon, родившийся 17 марта 2023 года. С величественным окрасом Ns 25 (чёрный серебристый тикированный) и брутальной внешностью, он поражает своим проницательным взглядом, напоминающим куницу.
Несмотря на свою внушительную внешность, Асцент обладает мягким и добродушным характером. Этот красавец умеет сочетать сильный и благородный образ с невероятной нежностью и лаской. Он обожает внимание, легко находит общий язык с людьми и другими животными, и становится неотъемлемой частью семьи, принося уют и тепло в каждый дом.
Ascent Veres — это гармония силы и доброты, грации и преданности.
Ekellin Isabel, F, MCO fs, 17.10.23
Очаровательная представительница породы Maine Coon, эта малышка с окрасом Black Silver Tortie (чёрная серебристая черепаха) покоряет своим изысканным сочетанием тёплых черепаховых оттенков и серебристого подшерстка. Изабель — это воплощение грации и нежности. У неё выразительные миндалевидные глаза, которые смотрят прямо в душу, и роскошная шелковистая шерсть с уникальным узором, делающим её по-настоящему неповторимой. Характер у Изабель любознательный и дружелюбный. Она обожает общение с людьми, легко находит контакт с другими питомцами и всегда стремится быть в центре внимания. В то же время она самостоятельна, умна и знает, как занять себя игрой или исследованием окружающего мира.
Ekellin*FI Klaus
Date of birth: 15.12.2024
Sex: male
Color: D25 Red ticked
Parents: Ascent Veres & Ekellin*FI Isabel
The possible moving date: 15.03.2025

Ekellin*FI Kosta
Date of birth: 15.12.2024
Sex: male
Color: Ds25 Red silver ticked
Parents: Ascent Veres & Ekellin*FI Isabel
The possible moving date: 15.03.2025

Ekellin*FI Kassandra
Date of birth: 15.12.2024
Sex: female
Color: N Black
Parents: Ascent Veres & Ekellin*FI Isabel
The possible moving date: 15.03.2025

Ekellin*FI Koko
Date of birth: 15.12.2024
Sex: female
Color: As 25
Parents: Ascent Veres & Ekellin*FI Isabel
The possible moving date: 15.03.2025

Ekellin*FI Kim
Date of birth: 15.12.2024
Sex: male
Color: Ds25 Red silver ticked
Parents: Ascent Veres & Ekellin*FI Isabel
The possible moving date: 15.03.2025
